Press Releases 2013

LRES Alum, Dr. Justin Runyon, is Honored by President Obama as an Outstanding Early-Career Scientist
December 23, 2013
President Obama named 102 recipients of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the US Government on science and engineering professionals in their early independent research careers. More information here.
December 16, 2013
Many WISSARD scientists, including LRES's John Priscu, were mentioned in this Discover Magazine piece "The Search for Life Trapped Under Ice," naming the discovery of life in the subglacial lake as #12 in the top 100 stories of the year. Also featured here.
November 26, 2013
Follow Alex Michaud and a team of other LRES and MSU scientists in this short video
on their epic journey across Antarctica as they drill a half mile through the ice
to a subglacial lake in their search for life.
November 17, 2013
John Priscu discusses the implications of the government shutdown on his team's Antarctic

November 6, 2013
MSU's portion of the award will be almost $663,500, which will be used in mapping
dead trees and developing tools to help scientists rapidly detect outbreaks throughout
the Northern Rockies.
October 18, 2013
Many MSU faculty, students, and research scientists rely heavily on Antarctic field
seasons each year for anything from data on climate change to research on Weddell
seals. This year many will not be able to go, some breaking 30+ years of continual

October 14, 2013
The five-year USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture grant will be sued to
study wheat genes that show resistance to wheat stem sawflies, the most destructive
wheat pest in the state.
October 10, 2013
Tristy Vick-Majors travelled back to her hometown area in Colorado to get kids excited
about science by speaking about her Antarctic research to middle schoolers.
October 7, 2013
On NPR's "All Things Considered, " Dr. Priscu discusses the implications the government
shutdown may have on his 21-year-long Antarctic project.

October 7, 2013
Shavonn won best oral presentation for her presentation entitled, "Increasing Ambient
Temperature and Susceptibility of the Mosquito Aedes aegypti to the Insecticide Permethrin: What's Global Warming Got to Do with It?" in the session
on Infectious Diseases - Parasites and Vectors.

October 1, 2013
Ferguson will be honored at the College of Agriculture Homecoming Ceremony on October
4th at 9:00 a.m. in 125 Linfield Hall. Thirty-one other individuals will be honored
with Homecoming awards in the following categories - alumni achievement, distinguished
faculty, distinguished staff, and honorary alumni.

September 28, 2013
MSU's new interactive classrooms help students pass tough classes.

September 26, 2013
Water monitoring project gets residents involved in local water quality testing.

September 23, 2013
TEAL classrooms are designed in a way that will support a new style of teaching that
encourages students to teach each other and solve problems in a collaborative way,
similar to the way students will often solve problems in future jobs.

September 9, 2013
Rehabilitating pit lakes for mien closure - A new frontier for aquatic ecologists
- Dr. Mark Lund, Associate Professor, Edith Cowan University - Co-Principal, Mine
Water & Environment Research Centre, Joondalup, Western Australia

September 3, 2013
MSU has signed an agreement with the Jack Creek Preservation Foundation to let students
and professors in environmental programs use the new Outdoor Education Center and
forested preserve for class studies and field research.

August 1, 2013
Weed Coordinator talks about a MSU project where dogs sniff out weeds. "Working Dogs for Conservation" are being used as part of the state's fight on noxious, invasive plants.

July 26, 2013
Partnering with the Crow Education Partnership in South Central Montana will provide
science enrichment activities for 4th grade classes on or near the reservation and
provide professional development for teachers.

July 18, 2013
Dr. David Weaver and Dr. Sharlene Sing participate as judges for the Super Grasshopper
Contest for largest grasshopper and largest grasshopper jump.

July 17, 2013
Dr. Sterling and Dr. Peterson are recognized for their work on a multi-state research
project entitled: W:2045: Agrochemical Impacts on Human and Environmental Health: Mechanisms and Mitigation. A web-accessible version is available here.

July 17, 2013
Fabian Nippgen, a PhD student in LRES, has won the 2013 Horton Research Award from
the Geophysical Union, one of the highest awards possible for students in hydrology
and water resources.

July 10, 2013
Nathan Korb, with the Nature Conservatory and an LRES Alum, is featured in this article
explaining how ranchers and the Sage Group Initiative are working together to keep
Sage Grouse off the Endangered Species List.

LRES Affiliate Faculty Featured in an Associate Press Article: Research on Wildlife Crossings Nearly Complete
June 30, 2013
Marcel Huijser, LRES Affiliate Faculty, is featured in this article discussing how
wildlife highway underpasses are improving wildlife habitat connectivity and decreasing
motorists' collisions with wildlife.

June 11, 2013
Anna Bergstorm, 2011 LRES graduate, along with 6 other MSU grads receive NSF graduate
research fellowships for 3 years to attend graduate school and conduct their research.

June 11, 2013
Katie Noland, LRES Soil and Water undergraduate, is 1 of 15 Montana University System
undergrads to receive a summer internship with the IoE to research climate science-related
projects at sites throughout Montana.

June 3, 2013
LRES professor emeritus Cliff Montagne and graduate student Jason Baldes are part
of the team awarded a grant from the NSF to study how indigenous peoples' native language
use in two similar yet distinct parts of the world support environmental science learning.
June 3, 2013
LRES professor John Priscu and LRES graduate student, Tristy Vick-Majors, are featured
in this Discover magazine article about their successful drill mission searching for life in an Antarctic
subglacial lake.

May 30, 2013
Biannually, the Montana Watershed Coordination Council and the Montana Wetland Council
select stewardship award recipients from your nominations and honor outstanding individuals
and organization in a joint award ceremony and luncheon. Please see page 14 in link.

May 13, 2013
CISM director, Liz Galli-Noble, discusses how public awareness is the key to getting
people engaged in activities that promote invasive species prevention.

April 18, 2013
Ten 4th grade classrooms from 3 schools on and adjacent to the Crow Reservation in
Southwest Montana visit MSU for an inquiry-based science experience with hands-on
activities and field experiments. Their teachers participate in professional development

April 17, 2013
An LRES-sponsored seminar will be given by Dr. David Carlson, a renowned climate and
Arctic scientist and founder and chief editor of the open access Earth System Science Data journal.

April 16, 2013
The LRES 2013 Student Research Colloquium celebrates undergraduate and graduate departmental
research. Please join us from 4:00 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16th in SUB Ballrooms
B & D for food, drinks, and intellectual discussion.

April 3, 2013
Leigh Freeman, a member of the National Resource Council/National Academy of Sciences
committee presents the unique role of Montana in developing state, national, and global
leaders in the resources sectors for discussion.

March 1, 2013
Dr. Weaver discusses his latest research to battle the destructive and well-adapted
pest known as the wheat stem sawfly - Montana's most costly agronomic pest.

2013 LRES Undergraduate and Faculty Winter Retreat
February 27, 2013
LRES undergraduate students and faculty gathered for a spring semester retreat for
a night of food and fun and a day of cross country skiing.

February 19, 2013
Dr. Mark Kozubal and his startup company, Sustainable Bioproducts, is partnering with
MSU to turn a fungus discovered in the highly acidic hot springs of Yellowstone National
Park into sustainable energy.

February 15, 2013
The 31st Annual Awards for Excellence will honor 40 MSU seniors and their mentors.

February 13, 2013
Montana State University is one of 16 universities and colleges selected for the "Sustainable
16" in the second annual Environmental March Madness Tournament.
February 11, 2013
LRES Professor John Priscu featured in Nature article discussing the microbes he and his team discovered in the water and sediment
of Subglacial Lake Whillans.
February 6, 2013
The New York Times reports that for the first time, scientists report, they have found
bacteria living in the cold and dark deep under the Antarctic ice.
February 5, 2013
MSU Scientists discover microbes in Subglacial Lake Whillans, a half-mile under the
ice surface, as reported by National Geographic.

January 31, 2013
MSU's Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems program has been named one of the 10
best college environmental programs in the U.S. by Mother Nature Network. LRES professor
and chair of the Campus Sustainability Advisory Council, Bruce Maxwell, comments on
the recognition.
January 28, 2013
The WISSARD team is now celebrating after successfully melting through half a mile
of ice to reach the subglacial Lake Whillans.
January 28, 2013
The New York Times published an article featuring the WISSARD team and their successful
retrieval of water samples from subglacial Lake Whillans.

January 23, 2013
President's list and dean's list announced for Fall 2012 semester.
January 22, 2013
MSU heads U.S. project to find life under Antarctica.
January 14, 2013
The New York Times published an article featuring LRES Professor Dr. John Priscu and
the WISSARD project. After their 628 mile trek across the Ross Ice Shelf, the WISSARD
team has reached Subglacial Lake Whillans and will begin drilling soon.

January 9, 2013
Nominated by colleague Tony Hartshorn, Ana wins the award from the President's Office
at MSU.