Press Releases 2014

Dr. John Priscu Co-Authors Breakthrough Paper Published in Nature on Microbial Life in Subglacial Lake

Since the orange wheat blossom midge first devastated crops in Flathead County, MT in 2006, Weaver has been working with Extension, MAES, and College of Ag colleagues to manage the spread of this pest.

For those unable to attend the Crops and Weeds Field Day that the LRES department hosted, view a report on the event prepared by KTMV, including words with LRES faculty Fabian Menalled and Jane Mangold, and LRES grad student Krista Ehlert.

A recent review on bioenergy and invasive plants published in WSSA's Invasive Plant Science and Management journal, vol. 7 iss. 2, highlights the work of the Center for Invasive Species Management. In addition to reading the article, learn more about CISM.

Patrick Lawrence will spend his six-month fellowship assisting CDKC students and Northern Cheyenne Reservation community members make decisions about land use and agricultural production.

Dr. Sharlene Sing, LRES Affiliate, Receives National Forest Service Award for Excellence
Sing, a Research Entomologist at Rocky Mountain Research Station, was honored with the 2013 NFS Award for Excellence in Invasive Species Partnership Development for her work in implementation, safety, and assessment of classical biological control of exotic weeds.

LRES professors and researchers, along with interdepartmental colleagues, will present on topics such as weed management, pest identification, and more. Credits are available for licensed attendees.

Mangold, a rangeland weed specialist, is providing education about noxious weed management as part of Montana's second annual Noxious Weed Awareness Week (June 9-13). The Awareness Week will include community weed pulls, field days, speakers, and presentations.

7 LRES students have been named to the spring 2014 president's list, and 24 students to the spring 2014 dean's list. Congratulations!

Former rear admiral David Titley is coming to Bozeman in July to discuss climate change as a national security issue. A former "hard-core skeptic" turned climate change expert, Titley will present at the Museum of the Rockies on July 8 at 7 p.m.

Towne Harvest Garden was started by students in 2007. The garden provides students from multiple disciplines with service learning opportunities, as produce is provided to the Gallatin Valley Food Bank.

LRES Assistant Professor Paul Stoy Featured in Montana Water News

Frontiers ranks Inskeep's article, "The YNP Metagenome Project: Environmental Parameters Responsible for Microbial Distribution in the Yellowstone Geothermal Ecosystem" #8 in the top 10 most viewed research articles of 2013.

LRES's Sustainable Food and Bioenergy Systems Undergraduate Degree Highlighted in High Country News