• Past:

    The Ward lab appreciates the long-term support provided by the NSF Ecology Program and the NASA Exobiology and Astrobiology Programs.  We also appreciate the support of the Montana State University Thermal Biology Institute.

  • Current:

    • "Do species matter in microbial communities?" (with Co-Investigators F. Cohan, J. Heidelberg, D. Bhaya and A. Grossman), NSF Frontiers in Integrative Biology Program (FIBR), 1/03 through 9/1/08, $4,999,690.

    • "Molecular and geochemical analysis of hot spring cyanobacterial and Chloroflexus mats as stromatolite analogs" (with Co-Investigators F. Cohan, J. Eisen, J. Heidelberg, M. Madigan, and S. Schouten), NASA Exobiology Program, 5/03 through 5/07, $588,056.