Montana Fertilizer eFacts with logos for MSU Extension and Montana Agricultural Experiment Stations


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by Perry Miller1,Clain Jones1,Anton Bekkerman2,Terry Rick1 and Jeff Holmes1

1Montana State University, Land Resources and Environmental Sciences; 2College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, University of New Hampshire


Farmersin north central Montana (aka 'Golden Triangle') have questionsabout risks of cropping intensity and nitrogen (N) fertilizer strategies under low precipitation. A 10-yr study in wetter southwestern Montana demonstrated superior economic resilience provided by pea in rotation with wheat under contrasting available N fertility rates and uncertain wheat protein discount/premium schedules (Miller et al. 2015). A daughter study was initiated west of Big Sandy, MT, to investigate whether this long-term economic response is also observed in a drier climate. Our objectives were to compare winter wheat yield and quality, agronomic efficiency of fertilizer use, and economics of four alternative crop rotations managed with four different N fertility rates (0, 75%, 100%, 150% of recommended).


This plot-scale study began in 2012 at Big Sandy (sandy clay loam), managed as low-disturbance no-till (disk drill), and included four cropping treatments in rotation with winter wheat, ranging from low to high drought risk: 1) Chem fallow, 2) Cover crop (herbicide-terminated, except hayed in 2018), 3) Pulse crop harvested for grain, and 4) Spring wheat (Table 1). 

Table 1. Cropping sequences for each of four rotational systems, Big Sandy, MT, 2012 – 19. 
Cover crop
Continuous wheat
Chem fallow
Arvika forage pea
CDC Impress lentil
Choteau SWht
Genou WWht
Genou WWht
Genou WWht
Genou WWht
Chem fallow
Arvika forage pea
Stirling green pea
Duclair SWht
Warhorse WWht
Warhorse WWht
Warhorse WWht
Warhorse WWht
Chem fallow
Arvika forage pea
Stirling green pea
Duclair SWht
Warhorse WWht
Warhorse WWht
Warhorse WWht
Warhorse WWht
Chem fallow
Barley, Faba, Radish mix*
Orion chickpea
Duclair SWht
Warhorse WWht
Warhorse WWht
Warhorse WWht
Warhorse WWht
*A mix ofHays hay barley, Felix fababean, and VNS tillage radish replaced Arvika forage pea due to excess soil N accumulation.  

All wheat varieties were considered sawfly-tolerant and rotations were managed with four target N availability levels for wheat ranging from no fertilizer applied to 150% of a 3 lb available N/bu rate. The 3 lb N/bu rate is midway between winter wheat and spring wheat MSU guidelines (Jacobsen et al. 2023). 

Soil nitrate N was measured 3 ft deep prior to wheat planting and additional legume credits were used for pulse crops harvested for seed (9 to 13 lb/ac) and for pea manure (18 to 26 lb/ac). Target wheat yields after fallow were set to reflect a high potential yield for that field (50 bu/ac); wheat target yields after fallow and cover crop were set equal while the continuous wheat yield goal was reduced by 33%. The yield goal for the pulse–wheat rotation was set at 10% greater than continuous wheat, thus requiring correspondingly greater available N. But rarely was more N fertilizer needed due to the N provided by the pulse rotation. 

Net returns to land and management were calculated ignoring crop insurance or USDA Farm Program payments. Fertilizer prices were set as a 2-yr average based on actual fertilizer prices monitored bi-annually by the Montana Department of Agriculture, while pesticide/adjuvant and custom machinery rates were taken from NDSU sources. Seed and rhizobial inoculants were based on farmer-reported costs in similar situations. The base price for pulse crops was set at a 24-month average for publicly offered prices in Montana centered on harvest. The base price for wheat was set at a 36-month average from July prior to wheat harvest until June two years after wheat harvest. Hay price for the cover crop in 2018 was considered $45/ton ‘on the stump’. Protein discount/premium schedules were applied in two ways based on data collected from 40 Montana grain elevators from 2001-2012. During those 12 years, ‘Steep’ discount schedules occurred in five years and a ‘Flat’ market response in seven years. Equations were generated to reflect the average of the ‘Flat’ and ‘Steep’ response scenarios. 

In mid-September 2019, two top 3-inch soil cores were collected with a hydraulic probe in each subplot and mixed for laboratory pH analysis (1:1 water:soil by volume).  

All treatment differences are reported with 95% confidence (P < 0.05). 


Pulse- and fallow-wheat rotations had the highest (and similar) net returns. Pulse-wheat had higher net returns than fallow when no N was applied under Flat protein discounts (Fig. 1A) and with no added N and 100% N for Steep protein discounts (Fig. 1B). Cover-wheat and continuous wheat rotations had similarly lower net returns. Continuous wheat had net loss when no N was added during Flat protein discounts (Fig. 1A) and when less than 100% recommended N was supplied during Steep protein discounts (Fig. 1B).  

In all rotations, net returns were greatest at 100% of recommended N under a Flat protein discount, but were greatest at 150% of recommended N under a Steep protein discount. Although this suggests that about 4.5 lb N/bu should be applied to maximize profit when protein discounts are steep, the profit gains between 100% and 150% might not be enough to offset the negative effects of increased soil acidification measured at greater N rates on this sandy loam soil (Fig 2.). 

Soil acidification can lead to yield losses and is a growing issue in Montana (Jones et al. 2019; Jones and Olson-Rutz, 2020). Continuous wheat had lower soil pH than the pulse-wheat system (Fig. 3), a result also seen in the wetter Bozeman study (Jones et al. 2022). Fallow-wheat also had lower pH than pulse-wheat at Big Sandy possibly due to greater nitrate leaching, a result not seen at Bozeman. Due to high costs of mitigating low pH with lime, the short-term benefits of greater N rates might be partly or fully erased by liming costs at least on soils where the pH is already low. In addition, applying high N can lose money when discounts are flat.

Net returns by different crop rotations under flat and steep protein discounts

Figure 1. Total net returns after 8 years to land and management under assumed ‘Flat’ (A) and ‘Steep’ (B) protein discount schedules. All net returns are different than fallow EXCEPT pulse at 150% N at flat discounts and pulse at 75% N and 150% N at steep discounts.

Soil pH by N rate

soil pH by crop rotation

Figure 2. Soil pH after 8 years of different N rates.

Figure 3. Soil pH after 8 years under different rotations.


  • 100% of recommended N was most profitable under a Flat protein discount, while 150% of recommended N was most profitable under a Steep protein discount scenario.  
  • Pulse-wheat rotations had equal or higher net returns than fallow-wheat systems during this 8-year study. 
  • Greater N rates led to lower soil pH, which could hurt yield or require lime.  


This study was funded by the Montana Fertilizer Advisory Committee and the Montana Agricultural Experimental Station.  We thank Jeff Holmes and Terry Rick for making this project happen in the field and lab. 


Jacobsen, J., et al. 2023. Fertilizer Guidelines for Montana Crops. EB0161. MSU Extension. 

Jones, C., et al. 2019. Soil Acidification: An Emerging Problem in MT. Montana Fertilizer eFacts Fertilizer 78. 

Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. 2020. Soil Acidification: Problems, Causes, & Testing. MSU Extension Soil Scoop. 

Jones, C., et al. 2022. Dramatic soil health changes after 18 years of different nitrogen rates and cropping systems in the northern Great Plains. In Great Plains Soil Fert Conf. Proc., pp. 21-26.   

Miller, P., et al. 2015. Pea in rotation with wheat reduced uncertainty of economic returns in southwest Montana. Agron. J. 107(2): 541-550. 


posted November 2024