Extension publishes a variety of resources on soil fertility topics and Clain regularly presents to different groups. Published resources and presentations are listed below by publication type for easy access, and are referenced throughout our soil fertility 'topic' pages. For our most recent releases, please see the "What's New" section of the homepage.

If you have any questions about soil nutrients, the Soil Fertility Extension program or materials contained in this web site, contact Dr. Clain Jones. If you think plant growth issues may be related to pesticide (e.g., herbicide residual in compost), please contact Noelle Orloff (994-6297) or Dr. Tim Seipel (994-4783) for assistance.


Timely Topics

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Podcasts and short news articles on seasonally-relevant topics. Originally published as MSU press releases and/or in agriculture news publications. 


The Soil Scoop

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1-2 page fact sheets intended for quick reference and to pass along to others. Other articles or bulletins are cited for further reading.


Bulletins & MontGuides

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In-depth guides on specific soil fertility topics.


Fertilizer Facts

Rain falling on fields from clouds.
Summaries of research conducted at MSU Agricultural Experiment Stations and by Extension Service scientists.


Research Reports

Clain jones examines pea crops
Reports on research conducted at MSU through the College of Agriculture and by Extension scientists.


Wheat blades with spotting from nutrient deficiency
Clain's past and upcoming presentations and courses, including links to recorded presentations.