LRES Seminar Series
Spring 2016 Schedule
1:10 - 2:00 p.m.
346 Leon Johnson Hall (Annex)
available in the LRES Archives
February 8th
Colter Ellis, Sociology & Anthropology, MSU
"Unconventional Risks: Rural Community Response to Acute Energy Development in the Eagle Ford Shale"
February 22nd
Rebekah VanWieren, Plant Science & Plan Pathology, MSU
"Land Reclamation in Butte, MT: Design for aligning cultural and ecological assets"
February 29th
Jay Rotella, Dept. of Ecology, MSU
"The consequences of maternal effects and environmental conditions on offspring success in Antarctica's Weddell seals"
March 7th
Sam Carlson, Ph.D. student
Advisor: Poole
"Physical and chemical controls on stream network distribution"
March 21st
Alyssa Piccolomini, MS student
Advisor: Peterson
"The susceptibility of the alfalfa leafcutting bee (Megachile rotundata) to three pyrethroids used in mosquito management."
Joseph Old Elk, MS student
Advisor: Ewing
March 28th
Andrew Bobst, Ph.D. student
Advisor: Payn
"Using beaver mimicry restoration as a manipulative experiment to understand "natural" storage of stream water"
April 4th
Mike Oldham, MS student
Advisor: Powell
"Characterizing vegetation composition and structure of a riparian area using unmanned aerial systems and photogrammetry"
Katie Fogg, MS student
Advisor: Poole
"Simulating Atmospheric and Hyporheic Influeces on Stream Temperature using a Mechanistic Heat Model"
April 11th
Tara Saley, MS student
Advisor: McDermott
"Relative importance of key regulatory proteins involved in the bacterial response to arsenic."
Tessa Scott, MS student
Advisor: Menalled
"Weed population and community dymanics in Montana organic cropping systems"
April 18th
Erika Sturn, MS student
Advisor: Ewing
Using Ca and Sr to understand lithologic and hydrologic controls of stream water."
Shannon Dillard, MS student
Advisor: Hartshorn
"Eight years later: Time to look to soils to accomplish Yellowstone National Park's restoration goals."
April 25th
Meryl Storb, Ph.D. student
Advisor: Payn
"How will a stream's metabolic regime be influenced by direct and indirect human impacts?"