LRES Program Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

Expected competencies for LRES Undergraduate majors include a diverse set of discipline-specific and interdisciplinary knowledge, skills, and abilities to include:

  • An understanding of core theoretical principles and applications in evolutionary, ecological and physical environmental sciences.
  • Ability to access, read, and critically assess the quality and source of environmental information.
  • Knowledge of the theory and practice of data analysis in environmental sciences, including statistical analysis, model building, and graphical presentation of data.
  • The ability to effectively write and present scientific material.
  • An understanding of the ethical implications of conducting and applying environmental science.

For Graduate Students:

Degree Objectives: LRES degrees provide students with a strong background of basic science courses coupled with tools needed to apply this knowledge to land resource management questions.

Expected Competencies for LRES majors include a diverse set of discipline-specific and interdisciplinary knowledge, skills, and abilities to include:

  • Demonstrate oral and written communication and presentation skills.
  • Demonstrate problem solving skills, including critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, analytical synthesis, and decision making; information gathering skills including finding appropriate information sources (e.g., soil maps, vegetation surveys, research articles, etc.).
  • Demonstrating the ability to read and summarize research papers;
  • Demonstrate data management and quantitative skills such as working with spreadsheets, calculating basic statistics, organizing data layers, and applying data to equations. 

Assessment Plans

LRES Student Outcomes Assessment Plan (2009-2010)

Assessment Reports

