Current Graduate Students

Abaye Abebe
Advisor: Rob Payn
Research Area: Hydrological analysis and modeling in an Earth System Modeling framework.

Jared Adam
Advisor: William Wetzel
Research Area: Alpine and subalpine plant physiological tolerance to abiotic (e.g., temperature) and biotic (e.g., insect herbivory) stressors and the role arthropod predators play in the trophic cascade.

Hezekiah Afolabi
Advisor: Sigler
Research Area: Role of pesticide leaching in groundwater contamination

Byron Amerson
Advisor: Geoffrey Poole
Research Area: A multi-scale evaluation of the rate and magnitude of water exchange between surface flow and the alluvial aquifer in restored and unrestored river channels

Claire Anderson
Advisors: Cathy Zabinski & Jane Mangold
Research Area: Management approaches for invasive annual grasses and impacts on soil health in Montana rangelands

Elise Anderson
Advisor: Jane Mangold
Research Area:

Ryan Barnes
Advisor: Perry Miller
Research Area:

Thomas "Tommy" Bass
Advisor: Bruce Maxwell
Research Area: Considerations of ecological and social interactions in food system development, scale, diversity, management, and vulnerability

Laura Berrios-Ortiz
Advisor: Fabian Menalled
Research Area: Weed agroecology and management

Andrew Bobst
Advisor: Rob Payn
Research Area: Using Beaver Mimicry Stream Restoration as manipulative experiments to better understand groundwater/surface-water interactions, and transient water storage in floodplains.

Keenan Brame
Advisors: Tim McDermott & Anne Camper
Research Area: Freshwater quality on the Little Bighorn River involving microbial pathogens, their mode of transport through a freshwater system and their anticipated impacts on water quality due to climate change projections.
Peter Bugoni
Advisors: Andrew Felton & Dan Atwater
Research Area: Renovating Monocultures of Exotic Cool-Season Grass Seedings to Diverse Multifunctional Ecosystems

Tyler Boyd
Advisor: Tony Hartshorn
Research Area: Soil health indicators on rangelands in Montana

Madisan Chavez
Advisor: Stephanie Ewing
Research Area: Researching abandoned waste disposal sites on the Crow reservation to determine if PFAS leach into the ground water and/or surface water.

Shea Crowther
Advisors: Kevin O'Neill & Anthony Slominski
Research Area: Investigating The Impact of the Interaction of the Neonicotinoid Pesticide Imidacloprid and Temperature on Post-Winter Alfalfa Leafcutting Bees, Megachile rotundata

Ceili DeMarais
Advisor: Anna Schweiger
Research Area:

Devanshi Desai
Advisors: Tim Seipel & Lovreet Shergill
Research Area: Weed management with precision herbicide application

Het Desai
Advisors: Fabian Menalled & Lovreet Shergill
Research Area: Monitoring and management of problematic weeds in Montana cropping systems
Lochlin Ermatinger
Advisor: David Weaver
Research Area: Using the spectral signature of wheat to detect wheat stem sawfly infestation in growing wheat plants.

Mary Farina
Advisor: Scott Powell
Research Area: Assessing spatial and temporal variability in Arctic-boreal carbon fluxes using satellite and drone remote sensing.

Eliza Gillilan
Advisors: Tony Hartshorn & Bill Kleindl
Research Area: Evaluating the success of beaver mimicry restoration
Raeya Gordon
Advisor: Adam Sigler
Research Area: Quantifying deep percolation and soil water storage on irrigated fields

Brett Griesbaum
Advisors: Scott Powell & Paul Nugent
Research Area: My research focuses on Precision Agriculture in irrigation decision support and tracking biomass using remote sensing from both satellite and drone data. I also research potential for precision conservation in Montana cropping systems using satellite data.

Mustabshira Ikram
Preferred Name: Shira Ikram
Advisors: Tony Hartshorn & Kent McVey
Research Area: Cover Crops impact on soil and yield biomass in dryland wheat-fallow systems.

Taylor Kennedy
Advisor: Bob Peterson
Research Area: Investigating army cutworm moth numbers, biomass, and calories from radar observation and determining the environmental and biological factors that may influence migratory flight behavior and dynamics.

Dipak Khanal
Advisors: David Weaver & Perry Miller
Research Area:

Nicklas Kiekover
Advisor: Adam Sigler
Research Area:
Samuel Koeshall
Advisor: Perry Miller
Research Area: Investigating intra-field variability of field pea protein and greain yeild across Montana cropping systems, quantifying N credits and soil fertility following long-term legume and non-legume crop rotations in semi-arid cropping systems, and other Montana cropping systems research related to pulse crop problems.

Carl Krause
Advisor: Stephanie Ewing
Research Area: Fate and transport of pesticides and other solutes

Lauren Kremer
Advisor: Tim Covino
Research Area:

Emma Kubinski
Advisor: Fabian Menalled
Research Area: Carrots as a Model for Holistically Increasing Sustainability of Vegetable Production.

Christian Larson

Sophia Lattes
Advisor: Fabian Menalled & Mac Burgess
Research Area: Integrated weed management for Montana organic vegetable farms.

Ian McRyhew
Advisor: Jane Mangold
Research Area: Grassland restoration and pollinator conservation on Tribal lands degraded by annual invasive grasses.
Caitlin Mitchell
Advisor: Stephanie Ewing
Research Area: Investigating the biogeochemical cycle of nutrients through cultivated soils and groundwater-stream systems.

Hayley Oakland
Advisor: Geoff Poole
Research Area: Ecosystem engineering by net-spinning caddisflies and associated effects on microbial communities, stream metabolism and nutrient cycling

Alyssa Piccolomini
Advisor: Bob Peterson
Research Area:

Jack Poole
Advisor: Stephanie Ewing
Research Area: Investigating electrical resistivity tomography data in relation to aerial and on ground vegetation analyses

Kristen Powell
Advisor: Andrew Felton
Research Area: Seasonal origins of precipitation used by plants across grasslands

Pushpa Pandey
Advisor: Paul Nugent
Research Area:

Azin Rashad
Research Area:

Meghan Robinson
Advisor: Adam Sigler
Research Area: Data driven irrigation scheduling for reducing deep percolation and runoff and optimizing water and nutrient use efficiency

Lilly Sencenbaugh
Advisor: Lisa Rew
Research Area: Effectiveness of traditional and novel management control strategies of Ventenata dubia and Bromus tectorum

Akamjot Singh Brar
Advisor: Fabian Menalled
Research Area: Weed Management in Specialty crops

Jackson Strand
M.S. Entomology
Advisors: David Weaver & Tracy Sterling
Research Area: Understanding the importance of smooth brome in promoting a Braconid parasitoid that targets the Wheat Stem Sawfly

Emma Tate
Ph.D. Ecology & Environmental Sciences

Erin Teichroew
Advisor: Lisa Rew
Research Area: Evaluating different management treatments for reducing Bromus tectorum cover and reestablishing native grass species

William Weinberg

Madelyne Willis
Advisors: Stephanie Ewing & Christine Foreman
Research Area: Microbial analysis of the Taylor Glacier ice core: investigating the presence and possible impacts of englacial microbial activity through time
Rennie Winkelman
Advisor: Andrew Felton
Research Area: Ecological responses to bison reintroduction on the Northern Great Plains

Robert Wyatt

Madelyn Zack
Advisor: Anna Schweiger
Research Area: