Current Graduate Students

Abaye Abebe
Advisor: Rob Payn
Research Area: Hydrological analysis and modeling in an Earth System Modeling framework.

Jared Adam
Advisor: William Wetzel
Research Area: Alpine and subalpine plant physiological tolerance to abiotic (e.g., temperature) and biotic (e.g., insect herbivory) stressors and the role arthropod predators play in the trophic cascade.
Safal Adhikari

Hezekiah Afolabi
Advisor: Sigler
Research Area: Role of pesticide leaching in groundwater contamination

Byron Amerson
Advisor: Geoffrey Poole
Research Area: A multi-scale evaluation of the rate and magnitude of water exchange between surface flow and the alluvial aquifer in restored and unrestored river channels

Claire Anderson
Advisors: Cathy Zabinski & Jane Mangold
Research Area: Management approaches for invasive annual grasses and impacts on soil health in Montana rangelands

Elise Anderson
Advisor: Jane Mangold
Research Area:

Ryan Barnes
Advisor: Perry Miller
Research Area:

Thomas "Tommy" Bass
Advisor: Bruce Maxwell
Research Area: Considerations of ecological and social interactions in food system development, scale, diversity, management, and vulnerability

Laura Berrios-Ortiz
Advisor: Fabian Menalled
Research Area: Weed agroecology and management

Andrew Bobst
Advisor: Rob Payn
Research Area: Using Beaver Mimicry Stream Restoration as manipulative experiments to better understand groundwater/surface-water interactions, and transient water storage in floodplains.

Keenan Brame
Advisors: Tim McDermott & Anne Camper
Research Area: Freshwater quality on the Little Bighorn River involving microbial pathogens, their mode of transport through a freshwater system and their anticipated impacts on water quality due to climate change projections.
Peter Bugoni
Advisors: Andrew Felton & Dan Atwater
Research Area: Renovating Monocultures of Exotic Cool-Season Grass Seedings to Diverse Multifunctional Ecosystems

Tyler Boyd
Advisor: Tony Hartshorn
Research Area: Soil health indicators on rangelands in Montana

Madisan Chavez
Advisor: Stephanie Ewing
Research Area: Researching abandoned waste disposal sites on the Crow reservation to determine if PFAS leach into the ground water and/or surface water.

Shea Crowther
Advisors: Kevin O'Neill & Anthony Slominski
Research Area: Investigating The Impact of the Interaction of the Neonicotinoid Pesticide Imidacloprid and Temperature on Post-Winter Alfalfa Leafcutting Bees, Megachile rotundata

Ceili DeMarais
Advisor: Anna Schweiger
Research Area:

Devanshi Desai
Advisors: Tim Seipel & Lovreet Shergill
Research Area: Weed management with precision herbicide application

Het Desai
Advisors: Fabian Menalled & Lovreet Shergill
Research Area: Monitoring and management of problematic weeds in Montana cropping systems
Lochlin Ermatinger
Advisor: David Weaver
Research Area: Using the spectral signature of wheat to detect wheat stem sawfly infestation in growing wheat plants.

Mary Farina
Advisor: Scott Powell
Research Area: Assessing spatial and temporal variability in Arctic-boreal carbon fluxes using satellite and drone remote sensing.

Eliza Gillilan
Advisors: Tony Hartshorn & Bill Kleindl
Research Area: Evaluating the success of beaver mimicry restoration
Raeya Gordon
Advisor: Adam Sigler
Research Area: Quantifying deep percolation and soil water storage on irrigated fields

Brett Griesbaum
Advisors: Scott Powell & Paul Nugent
Research Area: My research focuses on Precision Agriculture in irrigation decision support and tracking biomass using remote sensing from both satellite and drone data. I also research potential for precision conservation in Montana cropping systems using satellite data.

Mustabshira Ikram
Preferred Name: Shira Ikram
Advisors: Tony Hartshorn & Kent McVey
Research Area: Cover Crops impact on soil and yield biomass in dryland wheat-fallow systems.

Taylor Kennedy
Advisor: Bob Peterson
Research Area: Investigating army cutworm moth numbers, biomass, and calories from radar observation and determining the environmental and biological factors that may influence migratory flight behavior and dynamics.

Dipak Khanal
Advisors: David Weaver & Perry Miller
Research Area:

Nicklas Kiekover
Advisor: Adam Sigler
Research Area:
Samuel Koeshall
Advisor: Perry Miller
Research Area: Investigating intra-field variability of field pea protein and greain yeild across Montana cropping systems, quantifying N credits and soil fertility following long-term legume and non-legume crop rotations in semi-arid cropping systems, and other Montana cropping systems research related to pulse crop problems.

Carl Krause
Advisor: Stephanie Ewing
Research Area: Fate and transport of pesticides and other solutes

Lauren Kremer
Advisor: Tim Covino
Research Area:

Emma Kubinski
Advisor: Fabian Menalled
Research Area: Carrots as a Model for Holistically Increasing Sustainability of Vegetable Production.

Christian Larson

Sophia Lattes
Advisor: Fabian Menalled & Mac Burgess
Research Area: Integrated weed management for Montana organic vegetable farms.

Ian McRyhew
Advisor: Jane Mangold
Research Area: Grassland restoration and pollinator conservation on Tribal lands degraded by annual invasive grasses.
Caitlin Mitchell
Advisor: Stephanie Ewing
Research Area: Investigating the biogeochemical cycle of nutrients through cultivated soils and groundwater-stream systems.

Hayley Oakland
Advisor: Geoff Poole
Research Area: Ecosystem engineering by net-spinning caddisflies and associated effects on microbial communities, stream metabolism and nutrient cycling

Alyssa Piccolomini
Advisor: Bob Peterson
Research Area:

Jack Poole
Advisor: Stephanie Ewing
Research Area: Investigating electrical resistivity tomography data in relation to aerial and on ground vegetation analyses

Kristen Powell
Advisor: Andrew Felton
Research Area: Seasonal origins of precipitation used by plants across grasslands

Pushpa Pandey
Advisor: Paul Nugent
Research Area:

Azin Rashad
Research Area:

Meghan Robinson
Advisor: Adam Sigler
Research Area: Data driven irrigation scheduling for reducing deep percolation and runoff and optimizing water and nutrient use efficiency

Lilly Sencenbaugh
Advisor: Lisa Rew
Research Area: Effectiveness of traditional and novel management control strategies of Ventenata dubia and Bromus tectorum

Akamjot Singh Brar
Advisor: Fabian Menalled
Research Area: Weed Management in Specialty crops

Jackson Strand
M.S. Entomology
Advisors: David Weaver & Tracy Sterling
Research Area: Understanding the importance of smooth brome in promoting a Braconid parasitoid that targets the Wheat Stem Sawfly

Emma Tate
Ph.D. Ecology & Environmental Sciences

Erin Teichroew
Advisor: Lisa Rew
Research Area: Evaluating different management treatments for reducing Bromus tectorum cover and reestablishing native grass species

William Weinberg

Madelyne Willis
Advisors: Stephanie Ewing & Christine Foreman
Research Area: Microbial analysis of the Taylor Glacier ice core: investigating the presence and possible impacts of englacial microbial activity through time
Rennie Winkelman
Advisor: Andrew Felton
Research Area: Ecological responses to bison reintroduction on the Northern Great Plains

Robert Wyatt

Madelyn Zack
Advisor: Anna Schweiger
Research Area: