LRES Ph.D. Fellowship Award
Past Awardees
Hayley Oakland
Advisor: Geoff Poole
Research Area: Ecosystem engineering by net-spinning caddisflies and associated effects on microbial communities, stream metabolism and nutrient cycling
Caitlin Mitchell
Advisor: Stephanie Ewing
Research Area: Investigating the biogeochemical cycle of nutrients through cultivated soils and groundwater-stream systems.
Hannah Duff
Advisor: Bruce Maxwell
Research Area: Using on-farm precision experimentation to understand the effects of climate change on dryland ecosystems, assessing pulse crops as viable agricultural alternatives
Abaye Abebe
Advisor: Rob Payn
ResearchArea: Hydrological analysis and modeling in an Earth System Modeling framework.
Elizabeth Mohr
Advisor: Geoffrey Poole
Research Area: Simulation and experimental investigation of biogeochemical cycling in flowing water ecosystems.
Fasil Worku
Advisor: HongYi Li
Research Area: Watershed hydrological modeling in cold regions (soil hydrology).