LRES Ph.D. Fellowship Awards

LRES offers an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Ecology & Environmental Sciences and to encourage Ph.D. applications, we offer competitive Graduate Assistantship stipends for outstanding Ph.D. students. The award totals $25,000 to cover tuition, fees, union, and a stipend to fund their first year of Ph.D. graduate education in Land Resources & Environmental Sciences, with the expectation that grant funds and GTA resources would be pursued and students supported through more broadly leveraged funds over time.

To qualify, your application letter must mention that you are interested in this fellowship, and you should clearly state your future advisor and include a note from the faculty member committing to serve as your major advisor. Please submit complete applications using the APPLY NOW button on this page by November 30th. Our Graduate Review committee will assess applications each January for admission the following Fall.

Past Awardees 


H. Oakland

Hayley Oakland

Advisor: Geoff Poole

Research AreaEcosystem engineering by net-spinning caddisflies and associated effects on microbial communities, stream metabolism and nutrient cycling


C. Mitchell

Caitlin Mitchell

Advisor: Stephanie Ewing

Research Area: Investigating the biogeochemical cycle of nutrients through cultivated soils and groundwater-stream systems.



Hannah Duff

Advisor: Bruce Maxwell

Research Area: Using on-farm precision experimentation to understand the effects of climate change on dryland ecosystems, assessing pulse crops as viable agricultural alternatives



Abaye Abebe

Advisor: Rob Payn

ResearchArea: Hydrological analysis and modeling in an Earth System Modeling framework. 



Elizabeth Mohr

Advisor: Geoffrey Poole

Research Area: Simulation and experimental investigation of biogeochemical cycling in flowing water ecosystems. 


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Fasil Worku

Advisor: HongYi Li

Research Area: Watershed hydrological modeling in cold regions (soil hydrology).