LRES 510-002: Biodiversity Survey and Modeling Methods
Bozeman, MT campus/Online Please contact instructor before registering/making travel arrangements. |
Course DescriptionBoth careers and graduate studies in land resources and conservation management require knowledge of how to design, execute, and analyze data concerning biodiversity at multiple scales in time and space. This course will provide students with the theoretical and practical skills associated with surveying and monitoring designs, sampling methods and data analysis techniques to answer questions about biodiversity. We will concentrate on applying and evaluating these methods using plants but will also gain experience with other taxa. Application of the biodiversity designs and methods will be to three main system types: agriculture, rehabilitation/restoration, and wildland. Students will also collect their own data and write a research report using methods and analysis techniques they are introduced to as part of the course.Meeting Place and TimesOne week of fieldwork required prior to semester; remainder of course is online. Instructor(s)Chris LarsonTime Commitment:8-10 hours per week. If you are unfamiliar with this field of study and/or method of delivery, you may require more time. |
Tuition and FeesSee the Online Tuition, Fees and Financial Aid page. If you are also taking a face-to-face course, please refer to the MSU Fee Schedules. |
Required Books/Materials (optional for LRES 410 Students)
- Biological Diversity: Frontiers in Measurement and Assessment
Edition: first
Author(s): Anne E. Magurran, Brian J. McGill
Publisher: University Press of Kansas; 60219th edition (November 19, 2007)
ISBN13: 978-0199580675
ISBN 10: 0199580677
Price: new $100 hardcover; $52 used paperback
This book can be purchased or with various online retailers
This course uses a learning management system. You will learn more closer to the course start date.
How to Register
You must be accepted as a student to Montana State University to take this course.
Learn how to apply.
After your application has been accepted, you will register via MSU's online registration system, MyInfo.
Registration requires a PIN number. Learn how to find your PIN.
Once you have your PIN, learn how to register through MyInfo.