Spring, Fall
Credit: 3 graduate 
Instructor(s): Miranda Margetts

Course Description

The course covers the principles of risk analysis, including risk assessment, perception, communication, and management. Content emphasizes human toxicology, ecotoxicology, dose-response relationships, exposure analysis, environmental fate and deterministic and probabilistic risk assessment. Case studies include examples from natural resource management, pesticides, biotechnology, resource extraction, food safety and invasive species. Course activities include discussion, literature readings, written assignments, risk assessment exercises, and a term project.

Meeting Place and Times

Participants login to the course at a time of day that best fits their schedule. It is necessary to connect at least 4 - 6 times per week and spend 8 - 10 hours per week while the course is in session, either online or offline working on course related assignments, to stay current and successfully complete this 3 credit graduate course.


Miranda Margetts, PhD is an Assistant Research Professor with the Center for American Indian and Rural Health (CAIRHE) at MSU, and an Instructor in the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Science. She received her legal qualifications and gained experience as a health lawyer in Australia from 2006 to 2013. Miranda has been involved in health-related research (environmental, public, and women's health) in the US since 2014. She is currently an investigator on several National Institutes of Health funded reproductive health focused studies, and a member of the CAIRHE and Ideas Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Community Engagement Core for MSU. 

2005 LL.B. International Law. University of Queensland (Australia) 

2009 LL.M. Australian National University (Australia) 

2014 M.S. Health & Human Development, Montana State University 

2020 Ph.D. Ecology and Environmental Science. Montana State University  


A Bachelors degree, courses in General Biology, General Ecology, General Chemistry, General Statistics.

Target Audience

Federal agency employees, environmental consulting firm employees, environmental law professionals, non-governmental organization employees, high school science teachers, and others interested in environmental science.

Time Commitment:

8-10 hours per week. If you are unfamiliar with this field of study and/or method of delivery, you may require more time.

Tuition and Fees

See the Online Tuition, Fees and Financial Aid page.

If you are also taking a face-to-face course, please refer to the MSU Fee Schedules.

Required Books/Materials

  • No book is required. All required readings will be posted inside of D2L.

Computer Requirements:

  • Internet access
  • A device and browser that pass the system check for Brightspace LE, MSU's learning management system.

This course uses a learning management system. You will learn more closer to the course start date.

For More Information

For more information: Please contact Marni Rolston at


How to Register

You must be accepted as a student to Montana State University to take this course.

Learn how to apply.

After your application has been accepted, you will register via MSU's online registration system, MyInfo.

Registration requires a PIN number. Learn how to find your PIN.

Once you have your PIN, learn how to register through MyInfo.