LRES Press Releases
Visit the LRES Archives for
prior years' Press Releases

NASA recognizes Lawrence project as AGU meeting
Dr. Lawrence presented his poster titled, "Beyond Forest Classification: Continuous Mapping of Forest Species Composition, Mortality, and Sub-Canopy Using Landsat Imagery and Agnostic Analysis".

LRES students co-founders for Sustainability Now
LREs students, Mathew Bain and Emma Bode, co-founders of Sustainability Now, seek to motivate the Alumni Foundation to invest in more environmentally and socially responsible companies.
Assistant Research Professor William Kleindl to offer Wetland course
MSU's Extended University will be offering a course on Wetland and Riparian Ecology and Management.
Online LRES MS student Shelley Mills contributes to Hawksbeard project.
Extension agent Shelley Mills, and online MS student with LRES, has been working with farmers on the Montana Hi-Line to manage narrowleaf hawksbeard.

LRES professors Clain Jones and Perry Miller quoted in article, 'Give Peas a Chance'
Dr. Clain Jones and Dr. Perry Miller were recently featured in the Fall issue of Mountains & Minds. The article, "Give Peas a Chance" discusses production of pulse crops in Montana.

LRES Research Scientist, Tim Seipel presented on agriculture during International Education Week.
Tim lead a discussion, "There is No Culture Without Agriculture: Cross Cultural Engagement Through Agriculture in Morocco" during International Education Week.

LRES partners with federal agencies to provide job opportunities
LRES PhD students Meryl Storb and David Wood are among the top candidates participating in the new partnership. Storb will become a USGS hydrologist with the Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center. David Wood will be working for the Bureau of Land Management as a USGS ecology.

LRES Master's student Emery Three Irons receives IoE fellowship
Emery Three Irons will be working with Professor Scott Powell to study water quality on the Crow Reservation.

LRES professor Paul Stoy PI for $6 million Upper Missouri River Basin research grant
Dr. Stoy was recently quoted in an article in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and MSU news for his role as principle investigator for a $6 million grant evaluating biofuel and carbon capture technologies.

LRES alum, Dylan Strike, featured in Bozeman Daily Chronicle.
Strike's farm was featured in article, "Keeping it in Ag: With Bozeman expanding, is there a future form farming in the Gallatin Valley?".
Professor John Priscu co-authors three papers in special Antarctic issue of BioScience.
The American Institute of Biological Science released the October Antarctic issue of BioScience highlighting the combined research of 20 researchers from 14 institutions.

LRES grad, Carmel Johnston, recognized for work with NASA
After a year long study, Carmel made national news for her work in a solar powered dome. The simulated Mars mission took place on the slope of a Hawaiian volcano.

MSU research team receives $1 million NSF grant to probe Antarctic Lake
LRES professor John Priscu, with a group of national and international researchers, will be travelling to Antarctica to probe unexplored Antarctic Lake.

LRES puts on MT Realtor Noxious Weed online training
The Montana Noxious Weed Education Campaign will be offering online training hosted by LRES professor Jane Mangold.
Perry born "bug doctor" to head Entomological Society of America
LRES professor Bob Peterson named vice president-elect of ESA.

LRES faculty to join Pest Management Tour across Montana
MSU Extension Pesticide Education program will be traveling across Eastern MT October 3rd-7th. LRES Professors Jane Mangold and Fabian Menalled will be presenting on the tour.

LRES professor Clain Jones publishes guide for canola nutrient management
September 26,2016
Montana State University Extension just released a new bulletin co-authored by Extension soil fertility specialist Clain Jones.
Priscu quote titles Washington Post article
September 22, 2016
LRES professor, John Priscu quoted in title of Washington Post article. Priscu is currently chairing a Ocean Worlds workshop.

MSU EU hosts synthetic biology outreach event
September 6, 2016
MSU's Extended University is partnering with the Belgrade Community Library to offer science outreach event series, Building with Biology. The first event, called "Should we Engineer the Mosquito?", will be held September 8th and is led by Bob Peterson.

Professor Bob Peterson elected Vice President-Elect
August 30, 2016
The Entomological Society of America elects LRES professor, Dr.Bob Peterson as Vice President-Elect.

Carmel Johnston interviewed by NPR for work with NASA
August 29, 2016
LRES Alum Carmel Johnston was interviewed for her role as mission commander of the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation crew for their year-long Mars simulation.

LRES Graduate student, Emery Three Irons, featured in Sacred Water tribal series.
August 25, 2016
The Crow Water Quality Project in partnership with Environmental Health News released a series entitled, "Sacred Water". The following articles feature quotes from LRES grad student Emery Three Irons.
Essay: Everything has water flowing through it
In Crow Country, a water system brings new life
Culture and science merge in environmental research for Crow
Tainted water imperils health, traditions for Montana tribe

Dr. Fabian Menalled recognized by SARE Professional Development Program.
August 25, 2016
Western Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education's program for Professional Development releases Annual Report.

Deicy Sanchez, LRES MS graduate featured on Peru Fulbright Video
July 26,2016
MS Graduate Deicy Sanchez recognizes Professors Tony Hartshorn and Tim McDermott in video commemorating 60 years for the Peru Fulbright program.

Emery Three Irons receives grant for research on Crow Reservation
June 23, 2016
LRES Graduate Student Emery Three Irons, in conjunction with the Crow Environmental Health Steering Committee and Little Big Horn College, received funding for research concerning well water issues on the Crow Reservation.

"Biofilms on Glacial Surfaces: Hot Spots for Biological Activity."
June 13, 2016
Doctoral student Heidi Smith's dissertation on microbial biofilms present on glacial surfaces was published in the journal of Nature Biofilms and Microbiomes.

Tony Hartshorn earns Fullbright grant
June 7, 2016
Professor Tony Hartshorn awarded Fullbright Specialist grant for research on rehabilitating soil made toxic by old mining practices in Peru.

Peas and Prosperity
June 2, 2016
Dr. Clain Jones and Dr. Perry Miller featured in Crop Science Society of America in an article highlighting research on the economic benefits of using a dual cropping system.

Insects of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
May 16, 2016
Bob Peterson, MSU Professor of Entomology, creates online photobook showcasing the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem's insect diversity.

LRES Environmental Science sophomore receives Udall Honorable Mention
May 5, 2016
Sophomore Mathew Bain, a Missoula native, receives honorable mention for national scholarship.

Soil science students awarded Nielsen Graduate Research Assistantship
Scott Robinson and Joseph Old Elk are the first recipients of the Nielsen Graduate Research Assistantship in LRES

Funding Graduate Research Today and In The Future
Jerry & Lavonne Nielsen establish Graduate Research assistantship in Soil Science

MSU Extension experts find herbicide resistant marestail in northeast Montana
"Experts from the MSU Extension Service have identified glyphosate-resistant Conyza Canadensis, also known as marestail or horseweed, in northeast Montana. This discovery is concerning given how easily this species can disperse in the wind."

Peterson and Sterling receive MSU awards at Spring Convocation
Robert Peterson, LRES, Excellence in Online Teaching Award. Tracy Sterling-Women's Faculty Caucus
Article Title
NASA recognizes Lawrence project at AGU meeting. December 15, 2016
LRES students co-founders for Sustainability Now. December 8, 2016
Assistant Research Professor William Kleindl to offer Wetland course. December 8, 2016
Online LRES MS student Shelley Mills contributes to Hawksbeard project. December 2, 2016
LRES professors Clain Jones and Perry Miller quoted in 'Give Peas a Chance'. November 22, 2016
LRES partners with federal agencies to provide job opportunities. November 16, 2016
LRES graduate receives IoE fellowship. November 15, 2016
Call for Proposals: FY 2018 Fertilizer Advisory Committee. November 1, 2016
LRES professor Paul Stoy PI for $6 million Upper Missouri River Basin research grant. October 26,2016
LRES alum, Dylan Strike featured in Bozeman Daily Chronicle. October 23, 2016
Professor John Priscu co-authors three papers in special Antarctic issue of BioScience. October 19, 2016
LRES Alum interviewed at Women in Entomology international meeting. October 11, 2016
Dayane Reis placed second in student competition at ICE 2016. October 11, 2016
LRES grad, Carmel Johnston, completes year long Mars simulation. October 5,2016
MSU research team receives $1 million NSF grant to probe Antarctic Lake. October, 3, 2016
LRES puts on MT Realtor Noxious Weed online training. September 30,2016
Perry born "bug doctor" to head Entomological Society of America. September 29, 2016
LRES faculty join Pest Management Tour across MT. September 26, 2016
LRES professor Clain Jones publishes guide for canola nutrient management. September 26, 2016
MSU highlights article in Washington Post featuring LRES professor John Priscu. September 22, 2016
LRES Graduate students place at Graduate Summit Rendezvous Poster Session. September 21, 2016
Priscu quote titles Washington Post article. September 12, 2016
MSU EU to host synthetic biology outreach event. September 6, 2016
Professor Bob Peterson Elected Vice President-Elect of ESA. August 30, 2016
LRES Alum Carmel Johnston interviewed on NPR. August 29, 2016
Crow Water Quality Project releases tribal series featuring LRES collaborators. August 25, 2016
Dr. Fabian Menalled recognized by SARE Professional Development Program. August 25, 2016
LRES MS graduate Deicy Sanchez featured on Peru Fullbright Video. July 26,2016
MSU earns recognition for its scientific impact and collaboration. June 29, 2016
LRES Graduate Student, Emery Three Irons receives grant. June 23,2016
Heidi Smith published in Nature Biofilms and Microbiomes journal. June 13, 2016
LRES professor Tony Hartshorn awarded Fullbright grant. -June 7, 2016
Dr.Clain Jones and Dr. Perry Miller highlighted in Crop Science Society of America. -June 2, 2016
Bob Peterson creates website, Insects of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem -May 16, 2016
LRES Environmental Science sophomore receives Udall Honorable Mention -May 13, 2016
LRES PhD students papers on Antarctica highlighted by NSF -May 13, 2016
Ana Murphy recognized for Service Excellence -May 6, 2016
Tim McDermott to speak on his research -April 13, 2016
LRES Stoy linked farming technique to cooler temps, and earns prestigious NSF CAREER Award -April 6, 2016
Zabinski to deliver April 12 provost's lecture - April 4, 2016
Peterson & MSU in NY Times: DEET Seen as Safe for Pregnant Women Despite Limited Studies -April 4, 2016
Soil Science Students Awarded Nielsen Graduate Research Assistantship - March 30, 2016
Jerry & Lavonne Nielsen Establish Graduate Research Assistantship in Soil Science - March 30, 2016
Emeritus Professor Nielsen shares his legacy and naming of Scobey as State Soil -March 28, 2016
Peterson photo chosen for monthly cover of Journal of Insects -March 4, 2016
LRES Grad Student, Dorj Sukhragcha
LRES students and mentors honored with annual Awards for Excellence -February 22, 2016
Inskeep helps bring in new Keck award to study Yellowstone microbes -February 5, 2016
Powell weighs in on use of drones in agriculture -February 3, 2016
Maxwell & PhD student Taylor explore invasive lodgepole pine in New Zealand for NSF WildFIRE PIRE -January 29, 2016
MSU Extension experts find herbicide resistant marestail in northeast Montana -January 15, 2016
Priyanka Kudalkar, LRES M.S. candidate featured in Grad School Annual Review - January 9, 2016
Peterson and Sterling receive MSU awards at Spring Convocation -January 7, 2016